Skillshare Classes For Digital Botanical Illustration: Top 5

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my top 5 digital botanical illustration courses on

I’m a Skillshare Top Teacher. However, long before I started teaching on this platform - I was a student myself. And I literally swallowed all the interesting Procreate and gouache tutorials that I could get my hands on. In this blog post I’d like to share with you my top 5 digital botanical illustration courses on They focus primarily on my app of choice - Procreate for iPad Pro.

If you don’t have Skillshare but you’d like to try it out, I offer a 1 MONTH FREE trial link HERE.

Let’s get started!

  1. Kristina Hultkrantz - Procreate Illustration: Draw a Contemporary Botanical Still Life

Personally, I LOVE Kristina’s personality - she is such a wonderful teacher and she radiates honesty and optimism. I truly recommend all of her classes because you can get a lot of value out of them. She does an amazing job sharing great industry advice, which you wouldn’t find anywhere else otherwise.

I really enjoyed this particular Procreate class because it is very beautifully structured. She explains her entire sketching process, talks about her recommended brushes, and gives useful tips on how to use layers in Procreate effectively, including the use of clipping masks. Kristina uses a split screen in her demos, which makes the tutorial easy to follow, even for complete beginners. Make sure to check out her other classes - particularly about surface pattern design! She has also gathered her teaching resources on her website.

2. Iva Mikles - Drawing Flowers in Procreate: Find Your Floral Illustration Style

I got to know Eva via YouTube and her amazing channel The Art Side of Life. Iva has really mastered class organization - all her tutorials are very thorough, you won’t be disappointed! She recognizes that floral illustrations can be applied on so many areas: on fabrics, prints, wallpapers, and a whole variety of other products.

I really enjoyed her approach when she was demonstrating how to explore and experiment with different flower and leaf shapes - a technique very useful for both beginners, as well as for more advanced artists. I am also a big fan of creating color thumbnails for color testing, so it was fun for me to watch her lesson 6 on her color testing approach. I highly recommend all her Skillshare classes because they are full of very useful examples and demos!

3. Liz Kohler Brown - Plant Illustrations in Procreate

Ever since I was just a student on Skillshare, Liz has been my first Procreate guru. She created 50+ amazing tutorials on the platform, which is absolutely impressive. All her classes can give you a lot of value, and this particular class is also fun and quite relaxing to complete.

The whole course is very helpful in learning to draw plants and learning how to build beautiful botanical compositions in Procreate. Liz teaches us to study the different plant shapes and forms and do many studies of the leaves before even getting started - something I have noticed is quite unique for her approach. And I learned from her that it always pays off to prepare enough! The course includes a very insightful lesson on how to draw a scene with plants as the hero of our illustration. Highly enjoyable! Liz is offering right now her own membership platform called The Studio.

4. Teela Cunningham - Intro to Gouache Botanicals in Procreate

If you like to search for new tutorials and Procreate inspiration on YouTube, you most probably came across Teela’s YouTube channel, Every Tuesday, which is brimming with amazing tutorials!

In this course Teela is teaching how to create flat style digital gouache paintings directly in Procreate and offers 4 warm up mini projects and 2 main course projects - another amazing class organization! What is amazing is that she also includes 2 free Procreate gouache paint brushes to complete the project.

5. Cat Coquillette - Blooms & Shrooms: Draw Fun & Funky Art in Procreate

Cat has a very impressive selection of courses on Skillshare - from Print On Demand all the way to seamless pattern design. This particular class is one of her recents, and it offers a really great and fun illustration project which you can later on add to your portfolio.

The course is very beginner-friendly and it offers a few freebies: brushes (including 4 True Grit Supply brushes, paper texture and color palettes. In order to get those free resources, you simply subscribe to Cat’s newsletter. She guides you through the entire sketch process, through creating color thumbnails, and finalizing your mushrooms and flowers illustration. You’ll definitely have a lot of fun taking this class!

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