Vector Repeat Patterns Inspired by Spring

I have created a few vector repeat patterns in Affinity Designer that celebrate spring. Some more common spring motifs include swallows, snowdrops, crocuses, and other early spring flowers (also see my prompts list below). In particular swallows are for me a symbol of renewal, new beginnings and rejuvenation.

Current seasons are often reflected in my own work as a surface pattern designer. If you’re interested in expanding your patterns portfolio, go ahead and design motifs inspired by your current season.

If you are an Art Director or Manufacturer and would like to see the whole collection, please get in touch.

Pattern Spotlight - Top 10 Spring Repeat Patterns

Here top 10 spring related and nature inspired motifs that you consider for your own surface pattern design portfolio, regardless whether you are designing in Affinity Designer or other software such as Procreate:

  1. tulips

  2. crocus flowers

  3. snowdrops

  4. swallows

  5. robin birds

  6. storks

  7. bunnies

  8. daffodils

  9. baby animals

  10. fresh market vegetables

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Create Seamless Repeat Patterns in Affinity Designer - NEW Course

If you’d like to give it a try and learn designing vector repeat patterns in Affinity Designer on your iPad, go ahead and check out my new surface pattern design course: “Pattern Design in Affinity Designer VIDEO course: Full-drop Repeat“.

In this course, you will learn everything you need to know to create beautiful and seamless vector repeat patterns using Affinity Designer. I will guide you through the process of designing a full-drop repeat pattern from start to finish, covering everything from creating the initial design to saving the pattern for use on a variety of products.


  • You will learn everything you need to know about full-drop repeats and why you should include them in your portfolio.

  • I will guide you through the process of creating a fun standard-repeat pattern in Affinity Designer, 100% vector and hand-drawn!

  • By the end of this course, you will have the necessary skills to design full-drop repeat patterns that you will be proud to show in your surface design portfolio!

Enrol now and start designing your own full-drop repeat patterns with Affinity Designer.


Full-drop Repeat Pattern Explained


Affinity Designer Repeat Patterns With a Live Pattern Preview